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Alleviate the potential for project delays using Spinergie’s ground-breaking installation forecasting module

Spinergie’s cutting-edge Market Intelligence solution empowers wind industry players with the analysis they need to plan and organize their offshore wind farm projects. Until now, it has been difficult to accurately predict when an offshore wind installation project will be completed, but Spinergie’s new S-Curve analysis offers this crucial insight.

Sarah McLean
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Offshore wind players face a complex and challenging task as they work to complete their projects amid an ever-tightening supply chain. Spinergie understands that our clients need access to in-depth, user-friendly, and accurate data to stay ahead of the supply crunch and make the informed decisions they need to make to fulfill their projects on time and on budget. 

Access the installation progress analysis of any offshore wind farm 

Envisioning near-term activity in the wind market is key, and access to an S-Curve analysis of all tracked wind farms within the Market Intelligence solution provides clients with the clarity they need when planning operations. The S-Curve analysis is typically broken down into three categories: foundations, turbines, and cables, to provide a precise overview of all installation activities and vessel performance.

S-curve graph from the Spinergie Market Intelligence solution
The Installation S-Curve by Phase chart highlights when the export cable and substation were installed alongside progress in the foundation, turbine, and array cable installation programs. The dotted lines indicate the predicted timeline for the remainder of the foundation and turbine installations.

Mitigate the impact of potential project delays

Spinergie clients made it clear that while tracking the current market is useful, they also need a clear indication of the future. They want to know when an installation program will be completed to gain an organizational edge. For example, if a developer has hired a vessel for a turbine installation program on their wind farm project, but the vessel’s current project has met delays, the upcoming project is jeopardized. Having this level of insight is invaluable to developers seeking to mitigate the impact of any potential issues and potentially reassess their plans if required.

Spinergie’s S-Curve analysis enables users to better predict and anticipate the installation end date for foundation and turbine workpackages. This is possible by leveraging several contextual factors, including the wind farm characteristics, weather conditions, and previous installation performance data. The end date of the workpackage is when all foundations and turbines are expected to be installed.

Additionally, two new events are displayed on the S-Curve: when the export cable is installed and when the substation is installed. These two factors are not included in the prediction analysis but are instead a record of the observed installation, like a completed milestone date, according to AIS data. 

Spinergie’s clients have relied on Spinergie’s forecast to know when an installation campaign should be completed.

Read our Use Case to discover How a wind farm developer relied on Spinergie to anticipate and limit project execution delays.

Accurately predicting when installation work will be completed empowers developers and shipowners alike to make essential decisions quickly, thus mitigating the impact previous projects may have on their installation campaigns. 

Contact Spinergie today to request a demo of how our Market Intelligence solution can help you keep track of the offshore wind market and access the dashboards and forecasting tools industry players find essential when planning their wind farm projects.

Spinergie Market Intelligence Solution
Photo of Sarah McLean
Sarah McLean
Lead Content Manager

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