Is the offshore supply chain moving from Europe to Asia?

In this updated webinar, Eva Fraicher and Maelig Gaborieau return to the topic of the offshore wind supply chain, presenting new analyses and insights into additional components.

Our webinar, “Is the offshore supply chain moving from Europe to Asia?” was one of our most popular last year. Now, our experts, Maëlig Gaborieau and Eva Fraicher, are back with an update.

The main focus will be how the increased presence of Asian manufacturers in Europe has influenced the supply of offshore wind components. Our experts will examine recent developments and expectations for the future of manufacturing in Europe and Asia and how this will have wider impacts on the global offshore wind industry. 

Since last year, a number of new market trends and opportunities have emerged, and we are excited to share our latest analysis and updates with you. These insights will help industry players develop strategies and better understand the markets while navigating the rush to meet 2035 capacity targets. 

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Trends in the offshore wind supply chain and rising competition.
  • How European players are already adapting to increased demand and market shifts.
  • Strategic insights to secure component supply in a fast-evolving market.
  • Deeper insights into components, including OSS, array cables, and foundations.

The webinar will be hosted in two live time slots, one for our US and one for our Asian audiences. Each session will be followed by a Q&A.  

Asia: January 28, 2025: 3 pm - 4 pm SG - Click Here to Register
USA: January 30, 2025: 11 am - 12 pm ET -
Click Here to Register

Read more in our recent white paper: The Offshore Wind Supply Chain: Using close analysis of past performance to optimize planning processes.

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